Friday, August 27, 2010


It is quite the day. I am sitting on my saucer chair in the shade, watching minimal people coming to my garage sale, to buy a piece of crap for 25c. My mom is giving our grill away for free, and pricing things ridiculously low, while I am sitting here shaking my head. I am going to earn a profit of 2 dollars for sitting here the entire day, not to mention the hours of work I put into setting it up. I am bored out of my skull, I've done everything there is to do on the Internet, and now I'm left with my thoughts, wondering what I've done with my summer.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

you've made memories this summer. one day does not overshadow or represent what you have done while treading water in between stages of life.

cool layout by the way.