Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I hate to seriously be cynical about people. So I try really hard

when the girl bends down in front of the door leading to the girl part of my dorm to not only pick up the stuff that she put on the floor to unlock the door but to carefully pick up each individual thing (putting the ID card in the wallet, putting the wallet in the purse, zipping up the purse, all while still crouching in front of the door) and to finally open the door and walk really slow with no space to pass her

to maintain a cool head.

Also, when the suite-mate carelessly tosses your favorite pair of earrings into a towel while cleaning the bathroom and places ONE back where it was. Because the other was eaten by the vacuum cleaner. But she doesn't tell you that. So you have to come to her room to tell her you're confused because you only see one earring and she says "oh sorry" in that oh sorry way. You know, when you can tell that they don't care. My favorite pair of earrings. Since 7th grade.
These are things that don't have to make me really really mad. But just the way people can be sometimes is so......AAAAAGHHHH


Belle said...

next time, give her the 'ol judo-toss to the ground.

Katrina said...

i completely resonate with this post.