Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Breakfast Club

Some of the best moments in my life have been when I have spent time with people that I wouldn't normally spend time with.

Standing on a rock in the UP laughing and singing and acting completely insane with people that I would have avoided in high school.

Hating my small group on a serve project, then wanting to cry on the last day because I had to leave them.

And now, I think I'm having one of those times again. With some people that I have no reason to ever see after this thing is over. It will be over soon but I'm way too comfortable with them and they just can't leave.

I don't like making all of these connections with people and loving them and then it's abruptly over. It's a pretty bad feeling.

But you always move on. And there will be more awesome people to come into my life. And leave. People are amazing.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

where were you this week? i love the title btw.