Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Can't Relax

I got quite a bit of sleep last night but I start reading a book in my bed and get so comfortable that I fall asleep again. Everyday I feel very anxious even though there's nothing I really have to do. I can't ever relax. I think that the recent play that I was in that sucked out a majority of my soul is giving me some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But I have a pretty hard time dealing with my thoughts because they drive me insane. Working yesterday for 7 hours doing monotonous paperwork was oddly depressingly enjoyable. I have been trained to endure brutal monotony. Now it is becoming a part of me. Yeesh. Life is quite depressing. There's just this voice in my head freaking out all the time telling me that I need to be doing 100 things at the same time and getting stuff done even though there's nothing to get done! I hate it! I can't relax! Everything depresses me! My sock will get wet because I stepped in water or I'll just look at all of my Disney VHS' and I can't decide which one to watch and then it's too overwhelming so I don't watch anything. Small little things just get me and I can't move past them. And then my mother comes in my room telling me that we're going to CVS to get free toothbrushes and a king size candy bar for free with coupons. Then I think about actually doing that…'s so depressing. Sleeping is a great thing because then I don't have to think.
But despite all of this depressing stuff I have the future. I hope. Also I can just watch Skins and BASK
I find this picture to be very soothing. 

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