Monday, April 26, 2010

I Struggle With Forward Motion

The dance.


Well my mom spent too much money on something she and I were hoping would make me happy.

I don't find some things fun or entertaining at all.

Sometimes life is full of so much rejection and fighting that I have to just get lost to prevent myself from doing worse--falling.

I struggle.

Things just dont make me happy. And then other things make me insanely happy that make no one else happy.

And I wish that I could be understood. This sounds fruity. Oh well. And I wish that we didn't both flip over at the same time. And I wish I knew more. And I wish I understood more. And I wish my abusive mind logic wasn't right.

And I dream. But reality is something that has constantly been winning. I struggle.

At least Ross believes in me. And that can actually get me through stuff sometimes.

oh and P.S. I fail with boys. That's always such a bonus when reflecting on life.

I worked so hard to try to make it good. However, standing there in that strapless basically wedding dress with my hair and make up beatutifully done, I didn't think it was. It wasn't me. I felt so incredibly dumb. My eyeliner screamed no. Everything just screamed no.

Reading all of those books and watching all of those movies---prom. Never really a word I enjoyed. Proven very right.

Last night I just couldn't. I sat on my bed staring at the wall for what seemed like hours. My mom came in. I found myself uttering one word at a time, really hard to talk. The books inside of me were unable to come out, as they always are. I just said "I need help." My mom thought I was talking about homework. She didn't realize it was a little bit more than that.

I just can't even describe it anymore. Nothing ever really comes out. Short little bursts maybe understood. I have an inability to let it come out. So much is internal.


Katrina said...

you looked beautiful, and the good times in life aren't necessarily the ones that are "good." this makes you you, which is also truly beautiful :)

Hannah said...

I don't know if you'll believe me if I say this, but I will anyway.

You are more talented than anyone has an honest right to be. You are so incredibly beautiful. And you are 110% hilarious, not to mention smart and down-to-earth. I think you'd be surprised at how many people would kill to be you.

Don't let your thoughts twist themselves into a burden...let them breathe and thrive like you were made to.