Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Socrates is a really cool guy.

I like educating myself.

I like college.

It's easier than high school in a way.

I want to do everything.

Meaning exists.

It would be hilarious if I majored in Philosophy.


Belle said...

imagine studying THE APOLOGY if a stuffy old guy were teaching it to you in greek or some kinda thannnng???????
end of phun with philosophy.

i have thought long and hard about this. can you tell? ha.

BUT i agree on every point. it's like the fact that nothing is technically required makes each hour we spend hunched over our work feel honest. high school felt very ingenuine sometimes because i did it for credit, not out of honest hard work, ya feel me?


Katrina said...

i luh dis post. college is pretty great in its own way. i am taking charge of my life, and letting go at the sme time. its a crazy thing.