Monday, April 23, 2012


Actually I don't like the college that I'm at right now. 10% of me likes it. And that is the truth. I try to tell myself that more of me likes it so that I don't hate life. So why not leave the college. That sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Nothing is certain and I have no idea what will happen to me. I feel like I'm changing a lot and I have no idea about anything, but I don't want to figure it out here. I don't think it's even possible actually. This place just….has problems. And who I was when I first got to the college didn't work at the college. Who I am now has adapted to this place, but realizes that the changes that have been made have not had the best effect on the soul and the dreams and things. It's OK if I change, but I need to be in an environment that can be more open to me. This current college that I'm at is sadly a sad popularity contest. That's what I've gathered at least. 

But it's ok, because there are things that get me though this last bit. Like talking to my brother on the phone. And this video. 

1 comment:

Lilah Thurston said...

i totally agree, and that scares me a little bit. i'm proud of you for realizing the problem and doing something about it. you need to be in a place where you thrive.