Friday, June 6, 2014

Out of the Box

Expecting for a certain kind of life ruins things when we actually have them. Dream up of all the things hoped for. Expect, and keep expecting. Be content with what you have, keep reaching for your goals and dreams and live in the happy and wonderful place of life, but don't let your ideas or expectations be tainted with other people's ideas or expectations, or the world's expectations. Expect for the things you long for and dream. Keep those things alive and in your life. Disregard all of the rest. Take them into account, but do not let them overtake you. They do not know what is best for you. Only your dreams and ambitions do. Dreams are achieved when we are living them, not when we have reached a critical acclaim or won or accomplished something in the "world's eyes." What does that even mean.

Expect nothing less. Achieve nothing more. Dreams and ambitions are what's worth fighting for. They can easily be disfigured or sloshed about, but as long as you keep living and dreaming these things, good things will come about. Keep dreams alive, keep them flowing. Don't ever let the world tell you what you want. Keep on growing.

Expecting more from something, and seeing something as not worth as much because the rest of the world doesn't see it that way is a way of ruining dreams and ambitions. Don't expect as much. Really expect. But for the gold and explosions in your mind, not the world's golden trophy. Keep dreaming. Keep doing. Keep creating. Keep growing, expanding, reaching, stretching. Living, believing, thriving. Don't let other people's ideas of you make you feel like you have to fit into it to please them or prove a point to them or something. Get out of people's boxes. Get out of your own boxes you put onto yourself because of how you think other people want you to be or perceive you. Grow out of the boxes and keep growing and stepping out of them. The boxes are meant to confine you. The world hates boxes, and yet thrives and survives and rotates with them in places. It is time to get out of the boxes.

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